Sanchez, D.E., F.M. Walker, & C.L. Chambers. 2024. Forbs and graminoids are the foundation: Dietary breadth and seasonal variation of the New Mexico meadow jumping mouse (Zapus hudsonius luteus). Journal of Mammalogy, XX:1-19.
Walker F.M., J.R. Upton, D. Erickson, Z.A. Barrand, B. Brock, M. Valentine, E.L. Federman, E.M. Froehlich, L. Van Pelt, L. Hastings, D.E. Sanchez, D.L. Bergman, D.M. Engelthaler, and C.M. Hepp. 2024. Lyssa excreta: Defining parameters for fecal samples as a rabies virus surveillance method. PLoS ONE 19(1):e0294122.
Westeen, E.P., J.G. Martinez-Fonseca, C. d'Orgeix, D.E. Sanchez, F.M. Walker, and E.J. Wang. 2023. Dietary niche partitioning of three Sky Island Sceloporus lizards as revealed through DNA metabarcoding. Ecology and Evolution 13:e10461 .
Nsengimana, O., F.M. Walker, I. Twizeyimana, M.C. Dusabe, P. Webala, D.E. Sanchez, C.J. Sobek, J.C. Tumushime, D. Ruhagazi, D. Ryumugabe, P. Uwanyirigira, C. Kayitanirwa, and R.A. Medellin. 2023. Our good neighbors: Understanding ecosystem services provided by insectivorous bats in Rwanda. PLoS ONE 8(6): e0287536.
Sanchez, D.E., F.M. Walker, & C.L. Chambers. 2023. Rapid, post-glacial expansion of a cryptic North American bat (Euderma maculatum). PLoS ONE 18(5):
Garrett, N., J. Watkins, N.B. Simmons, M.B. Fenton, A.M. Obregon, D.E. Sanchez, E.M. Froelich, F.M. Walker, J.E. Littlefair, and E.L. Clare. 2023. Airborne eDNA documents a diverse and ecologically complex tropical mammal community, Environmental DNA.
Walker, F.M., D.E. Sanchez, E.M. Froehlich, E.L. Federman, J.A. Lyman, M.D. Owens, and K. Lear. 2022. Endangered nectar-feeding bat detected by environmental DNA on flowers. Animals 12:3075,
Armstrong, A.J., F.M. Walker, C. Sanville, S. Martin, and J.M. Szewczak. 2022. Bat use of redwood tree hollows: from DNA to ecology. Animals 12:2950, .
Lyman, J., D.E. Sanchez, S. Hershauer, C.J. Sobek, C.L. Chambers, & F.M. Walker. 2022. Mammalian eDNA on herbaceous vegetation? Validating a qPCR assay for detection of an endangered rodent. Environmental DNA, 4, 1187–1197.
Prys-Jones, T.O., A.J. Abraham, I. Shaffer, C.J. Sobek, J.R. Upton, S.N. Hershauer, K. Wong, M. Marirosa, S. Menke, S. Sommer, T. Furstenau, J. Mead, F.M. Walker, V. Fofanov, and C.E. Doughty. 2022. Metagenomic analysis of coprolites from three late pleistocene megaherbivores from the southwestern United States. BioRxiv
Ragan, KA, F.M. Walker, L.E. Stevens, & J. Schipper. 2022. Advancing North: White-nosed coati (Nasua narica) Range Expansion in Arizona. BioRxiv,
Martinez-Fonseca, J.G, R. Mau, F.M. Walker, A. Medina-Fitoria, K. Yasuda, and C.L. Chambers. 2022. Vampyrum spectrum (Phyllostomidae) Movement and prey revealed by radio-telemetry and DNA metabarcoding. PLoS ONE 17(4): e0265968,
Marshall, N.T., D.E. Symonds, F.M. Walker, D.E. Sanchez, Z.L. Couch, J.D. Kiser Jr. 2022. Detecting bat environmental DNA from water-filled road-ruts in upland forest. bioRxiv, doi:
Walker, F.M., R. Durben, S.M. Shuster, R.L. Lindroth, & T.G. Whitham. 2021. Heterozygous trees rebound the fastest after felling by beavers to positively affect arthropod community diversity. Forests 12: 694-710. In Special Issue: Forest-Mammalian Herbivore Interactions and Contemporary Forest Management.
Durben, R.M.; Walker, F.M.; Holeski, L.; Keith, A.; Kovacs, Z.; Hurteau, S.R.; Lindroth, R.L.; S.; Shuster, S.M.; Whitham, T.G. 2021. Beavers, bugs and chemistry: A mammalian herbivore changes chemistry composition and arthropod communities in foundation tree species. Forests 12(7): 877;
Walker, F.M., C.J. Sobek, C.E. Platts, & C.L. Chambers. 2021. Relatedness and genetic structure of big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus) maternity roosts in an urban-wildland interface with periodic rabies virus outbreaks. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57(2), DOI: 10.7589/JWD-D-20-00112.
Sobek, C.J. & F.M. Walker. 2020. Square salads: Exploring the diet of the southern hairy-nosed wombat (Lasiorhinus latifrons) via DNA metabarcoding. Australian Mammalogy 43:104-109,
Gaughwin, M., F.M. Walker, L. Woolford, J. Upton, C. Sobek, A. Johnson, & D. Taggart. 2020. Observations on the mortality of young southern hairy-nosed wombats (Lasiorhinus latifrons) in the Murraylands of South Australia. Australian Mammalogy 43:126-131,
Walker, F.M., J.R. Upton, C.J. Sobek, D. Taggart, & M. Gaughwin. 2020. Genetic monitoring of southern hairy-nosed wombats over two decades reveals that individuals can live for at least 18 years in the same warrens. Australian Mammalogy 43:22-29,
Gaughwin, M., A. Horsup, C. Dickman, R. Wells, F.M. Walker, & D. Taggart. 2020. Variation in the sex-ratio of pouch-young and adult hairy-nosed wombats (Lasiorhinus latifrons and Lasiorhinus krefftii). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 74:90-103.
Sumampow, T.C.P., M. Shekelle, P. Beier, F.M. Walker, & C.M. Hepp. 2020. Identifying genetic relationships among tarsier populations in the islands of Bunaken National Park and mainland Sulawesi. PLoS ONE, 15(3): e0230014.
Walker, F.M., A. Tobin, N.B. Simmons, C.J. Sobek, D.E. Sanchez, C.L. Chambers, & V.Y. Fofanov. 2019. A fecal sequel: testing the limits of a genetic assay for bat species identification. PLoS ONE 14(11): e0224969.
Fofanov, V.Y., T.N. Furstenau, D.E. Sanchez, C.M. Hepp, J. Cocking, C.J. Sobek, N. Pagel, F.M. Walker, & C.L. Chambers. 2018. Guano exposed: Impact of aerobic conditions on bat fecal microbiota. Ecology and Evolution, doi:10.1002/ece3.4084.
Tobin, A., R.J.M. Corbett, F.M. Walker, & C.L. Chambers. 2018. Time increases acceptance of bats to gates at abandoned mines in western United States. Journal of Wildlife Management 82:1345-1358. doi:10.1002/jwmg.21498.
Foster, J., F.M. Walker, B. Rannals, & D. Sanchez. 2018. Population genetics of an island invasion by Japanese Bush-Warblers in Hawaii. The Auk: Ornithological Advances 135:171-180.
Foster, J., F.M. Walker, B.D. Rannals, M.H. Hussain, K.P. Drees, R.V. Tiller, A.R. Hoffmaster, A. Al-Rawahi, P. Keim, & M. Saqib. 2018. African lineage Brucella melitensis isolates from Omani livestock. Frontiers in Microbiology 8: 2702. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.02702.
Alpers, D., F.M. Walker, A.C. Taylor, P. Sunnucks, S. Bellman, B. Hansen, & B. Sherwin. 2016. Evidence of subdivisions on evolutionary timescales in a large, declining marsupial distributed across a phylogeographic barrier. PLoS ONE 11(10): e0162789.
Walker, F.M., C.H.D. Williamson, D.E. Sanchez, C.J. Sobek, & C.L. Chambers. 2016. Species from Feces: Order-wide identification of Chiroptera from guano and other non-invasive genetic samples. PLoS ONE 11(9): e0162342.
Walker, F.M., J.T. Foster, K.P. Drees, & C.L. Chambers. 2014. Spotted bat (Euderma maculatum) microsatellite marker discovery using Illumina sequencing. Conservation Genetics Resources 6:457–459. DOI: 10.1007/s12686-013-0125-0.
Wymore, A., H. Bothwell, Z. Compson, J. Lamit, F.M. Walker, S. Woolbright, & T.G. Whitham. 2013. Community genetics applications for forest biodiversity and policy: Planning for the future. In: Challenges and Opportunities for the World's Forests in the 21st Century (T. Fenning, ed.), Springer.
Alan, G., S. Shuster, S. Woolbright, F.M. Walker, N. Meneses, A. Keith, J. Bailey, & T.G. Whitham. 2012. Perspective: interspecific indirect genetic effects (IIGEs). Linking genetics and genomics to community ecology and ecosystem processes. In: Trait-Mediated Indirect Interactions: Ecological and Evolutionary Perspectives (T. Ohgushi, O. Schmitz & R. D. Holt, eds.), Cambridge University Press.
Blair, C., D. Weigel, M. Balazik, A. Keeley, F.M. Walker, E. Landguth, S.A. Cushman, M. Murphy, L. Waits, & N. Balkenhol. 2012. A simulation–based evaluation of methods for inferring linear barriers to gene flow. Molecular Ecology Resources 12:822-833. DOI:10.1111/j.1755-0998.2012.03151.x.
Walker, F.M. & N. Sajita. 2011. Long-term persistence of de Brazza’s monkey (Cercopithecus neglectus) in a Kenyan forest fragment. Journal of East African Natural History 100(2): 69-87.
Taylor, A.C., F.M. Walker, R. Goldingay, T. Ball & R. van der Ree. 2011. Degree of landscape fragmentation influences genetic isolation among populations of a gliding mammal. PLOS ONE 6(10) e26651.
Pavlova, A., F.M. Walker, R. Van der Ree, S. Cesarini & A.C. Taylor. 2010. Threatened populations of the Australian squirrel glider (Petaurus norfolcensis) show evidence of evolutionary distinctiveness on a Late Pleistocene timescale. Conservation Genetics, 11:2393-2407.
Walker, F.M., A. Horsup, & A. Taylor. 2009. Leader of the pack: faecal pellet deposition order impacts PCR amplification in wombats, Molecular Ecology Resources, 9:720-724.
Walker, F.M., P. Sunnucks, & A.C. Taylor. 2008. Evidence for habitat fragmentation altering within-population processes in wombats, Molecular Ecology, 17:1674-1684.
Walker, F.M., A.C. Taylor, & P. Sunnucks. 2008. Female dispersal and male kinship-based association in southern hairy-nosed wombats (Lasiorhinus latifrons), Molecular Ecology, 17:1361-1374.
Walker, F.M., A.C. Taylor, & P. Sunnucks. 2007. Does soil type drive social organization in southern hairy-nosed wombats? Molecular Ecology, 16:199-208.
Walker, F.M., P. Sunnucks, & A.C. Taylor. 2006. Genotyping of ‘captured’ hairs reveals burrow use and ranging behavior of southern hairy-nosed wombats. Journal of Mammalogy, 87:690-699.
In review:
Walker, F.M., D.E. Sanchez, & C.M. Hepp. Menu à la MinION: DNA sequencing in the field for diet of large African mammals. PeerJ, in review - resubmission.
Sanchez, D.E., F.M. Walker, & C.L. Chambers. Cryptic over-land dispersal? Stream-mediated genetic structure and diversity in the New Mexico meadow jumping mouse (Zapus hudsonius luteus). Conservation Genetics - resubmission.
Corsetti, T.C., F.M. Walker, J.A. Lyman, C.L. Chambers, G.J. Allan, and P.P. Beier. Dam impacts to populations of Uta stansburiana along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon and Canyonlands National Parks determined by genetic tools. PLoS ONE.
Marshall, N.T., D.E. Symonds, F.M. Walker, D.E. Sanchez, Z.L. Couch, and J.D. Kiser, Jr. Detecting bat occurrence with environmental DNA from water-filled road-ruts in upland forest. J. Mamm.
D.M. Green, J.J.S. Christiansen, B. Wissel, F.M. Walker, D.E. Sanchez, E.F. Baerwald, R.M. Brigham. 2024. Seasonal niche partitioning among three species of migratory bats. Oecologia.
Sanchez, D.E., F.M. Walker, S. Stankavich, A. Adams, D. Solick, S.J. Marriott, A.L. Riley, C. Newman, D. Bradley. 2024. Out in the open: testing passive airborne eDNA detection of bats at feeding stations. Environmental DNA.
McLaughlin, T., K. Griffin, K.G. George, F.M. Walker, D.E. Sanchez, Hon S. Ip, and A. Ballmann. 2024. Detecting Coronavirus Diversity Among North American Bats Utilizing Environmental Guano. Viruses.
Sanchez, D.E., F.M. Walker, E.F. Liebig, S.J. Marriott, J.G. Martinez-Fonseca, R.Chipman, D.L. Bergman, C.L. Chambers, and A. Piaggio. Passive airborne detection of bat species using cheesecloth. Environmental DNA.